PTA Schools

Start of the Year Is a Great Time for a School Club Fundraiser

Harness the excitement of a brand new school year and host a fun, easy, and profitable Country Meats snack stick fundraiser for your school club. The start of school reunites friends and parents, teachers and school personnel, and marks a big moment in the year of the community. Friday night football games mean band performances and cheerleading—which means needed funds for regional competitions, new uniforms, and training camps. Language clubs, career clubs, school service groups, and junior trade associations get new members and plan for the year’s events and conferences. The start of a new school year is a time of hope and possibility, which makes it the perfect time to raise money for the year ahead! Choose Country Meats as a proven, successful fundraising idea for school clubs.

Students holding Country Meats boxes before their school club fundraiser

What Are Good School Clubs Fundraising Ideas? 

Food fundraisers are always a good school club fundraising idea, and Country Meats meat sticks are the best food fundraiser you’ll find. We have a long history of supporting school-based groups, from sports teams to agriculture clubs to FBLA (Future Business Leaders of America) and TSA (Technology Students of America). If you’re in a school club, and you need to raise money to support your cause or goals, count on Country Meats. Our delicious smoked meat sticks flavors satisfy all taste buds and keep customers coming back for more. We offer an affordable, portable, stays-fresh snack that is protein-based, so it’s a healthier choice. These features plus the high profit margin make Country Meats sticks an easy fundraising idea for schools.

How Do You Run a Successful School Club Fundraiser?

To run a successful school club fundraiser, you’ll need to plan the details, get organized, decide your marketing and sales points, and rely on a team to meet your fundraising goals. When you partner with Country Meats, consider us part of your team! We’ll give you complimentary marketing posters and display boxes for your fundraiser, just ask for them when you place your order. We also offer tips for fundraising success and how to leverage social media to boost your sales and visibility. With Country Meats, you have the option for an online fundraiser or adding an online component to your in-person fundraiser so you can reach the most customers possible. If your school club needs to raise money, partner with us to get the job done. For a real-life example, read about how woodworking teacher Dan Kern used Country Meats to raise money for his students to attend the SkillsUSA conference in North Carolina. If they can do it, so can you, and we’ll be happy to help make it happen.

We believe that the high quality of our meat sticks combined with their high profit margin make them an excellent choice for school club fundraising. Order your Country Meats snack sticks today to get started. If you have questions or aren’t sure where to start, we’re here to help. Call us at 1 (800) 277-8989 or send an email to