PTA Schools

Add a Country Meats Fundraiser to Your School’s Fall Festival

Fall means pumpkins, hay bales, cooler weather, and the annual school fall festival. Make the most of your school’s event with a Country Meats fundraiser. Whether you call it a fall festival, school carnival, or Halloween celebration, it’s the perfect time and place to raise money for a club, sports team, or school cause.

Country Meats snack sticks are an easy fundraising idea that offers a desirable product at a high profit margin. Setting up a booth is simple, and we’re happy to send posters and display boxes at your request! 

How to Make Money at a School Fall Festival 

Making money at your school fall festival is a breeze with Country Meats snack sticks. When you sell our smoked meat sticks in person, your group keeps 50% of the profit, totaling $113 per case, which is 144 sticks. Country Meats sticks are particularly effective for middle school fundraising, and a school carnival or fall festival is the perfect time to launch a longer fundraising campaign or to capitalize on several hours of hungry tweens and their parents in one location.

Team Sports Fundraising

The school fall festival also presents a smart opportunity for school sports team fundraising. Teams and booster clubs can set up a festival booth on site and sell by-the-stick, by-the-bag, or bundle our smoked meat sticks into variety packs and make more money with custom pricing. Selling Country Meats during the fall festival makes for an excellent booster club fundraising idea since boosters will already be onsite and available to staff the booth.

Fundraise for School Arts Programs

A large crowd in a festive mood means you have a great environment for capturing money for school arts programs with a Country Meats snack stick fundraiser. A meat sticks booth can generate funds for theater productions, dance teams, and arts supplies. Remember to include various payment options like cash, cards, and digital apps to make it quick and easy for customers to buy your selection of Country Meats products. 

young students dressed up for Halloween

Fundraise for General School Needs

Perhaps you’re on the homecoming, spring dance, or other general school function committees, and you’re searching for a good fundraising idea. Look no further than Country Meats. A fundraising partnership with us means you’ll get marketing ideas, sales tips, and a proven food fundraiser that works for schools. If you have money raising goals for your school and recognize the potential of fundraising at the fall festival, selling Country Meats sticks is the way to go.

We’re proud to support all school grades, functions, teams, clubs, and organizations. Helping schools achieve their fundraising goals is one of our greatest joys. If you want to hold a Country Meats fundraiser during your school’s fall festival or carnival this year, order today to get started. If you have more questions or aren’t sure where to start, we’re happy to help. Call us at 1 (800) 277-8989 or send an email to